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The gastric sleeve revision is a kind of procedure that restricts the amount of food intake in which the patient can consume as it physically reduces the size of the stomach. There was a time in the past that the surgery had a two-part procedure and the second is considered as a duodenal switch. Today, the treatment of gastric sleeve revision has been approved; it is also tested, and it became the most popular primary bariatric procedure. You will then be qualified with the procedure if you have a 35+ to 40+ body mass index with or without health issues.


How does a gastric sleeve revision?


This is best performed in a minimally invasive manner. Since this is an invasive procedure it is basic to have consent, and the procedure must be explained to you, so you would know how you’ll be operated on and what to expect after the procedure is done. There will be (4) small incisions made in the abdomen in which a high definition camera is included. The (5th) incision is larger than the first four that is made at the navel area wherein the excessive stomach fats are removed. A sleeve is created with a staple lining towards the stomach creating a greater pouch. The function of the pouch holds the only 100cc.


A successful procedure comes with an improvement and excellent in treating obesity. The patient experiencing a gastric sleeve revision stays at the hospital for recovery to monitor for any complications from the procedure.

Benefits And Advantages Of The Gastric Sleeve

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