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Nowadays, people are into losing weight and living a healthy lifestyle like eating the right kind of healthy meals and snacks. One of the best ways to maintain a great body figure is to do your daily exercise regimen that builds up stamina, strength and even discipline towards self. However, not all people can manage it because of the struggles of losing fats in the body, and that is why for most people who are heavier resolved to surgical intervention for weight loss. One of the known weight loss surgical procedure is the Bariatric sleeve surgery.


What is a Bariatric Sleeve Surgery?


This is a type of surgery wherein eighty percent of your boy fat are removed out of the stomach. The result of this surgery leads to patients feeling less hungry and easily feel full every after eating. It also looses up to 3/4 of an individual's excess weight and improves obesity-related issues. People who are qualified for a bariatric sleeve surgery whose body mass index is about 35+ with additional of health issues and those people whose BMI reading are about 40+ without any health issues. If you have a BMI of about 35 and 39.9, this means that you are in a serious case of having obesity problems that are mostly related to health issues. 


What are the related health issues for those who have obesity? It is expected for people who have heavier weights to surely have health problems such as increase of blood pressure, high levels of cholesterol, sleep apnea or difficulty in breathing while sleeping and with type II diabetes.


How much does it cost? The cost of this type of surgery is known to be expensive, and for your surgeon to tailor fit your needs, it is important that you can discuss it. It is also essential that you ask your Insurance company if they cater this type of hospitalization so that you will have discounts and at least able to save money out from the procedure.


What are the health benefits that you can gain from having the surgery? Aside from losing all the fats in your body, there are other related obesity health issues such as cardiovascular disease- there is an increase in the improvement of the heart muscles to pump blood and functions well in a normal state. High blood pressure- there is about 70% of improvement of people who are experiencing having hypertension. Stress urinary incontinence- 90% of people who are having stress urinary incontinence are improving regarding having consistent flow when urinating.


What are the after effects of having a bariatric sleeve surgery?


The weight loss after having the procedure often takes center stage for individuals who are still getting used to the body that they have after being obese for many years. It may take awhile to accept and live a life that has been reduced by almost 80% out from the body, and this is the time that you will have to begin taking the advice of your Doctor regarding living a healthier life such as the food and drink. There should be a transition, a lifelong vitamin supplements that will sustain your body after the surgery, proper exercise and there is a big leap of change.

Facts About Bariatric Sleeve Surgery

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